When you Google "August"

July is nearly over and August is right ahead. I love August for these reasons:

1. School starts again in the US, and I have a lifelong reverence for school.

Rubado Elementary: Mrs. Thompson and me in 1st grade

2. In Northern New York, where I lived for many happy years, the crops begin to ripen, creating beautiful fields and gardens.

Melissa with volunteer squash

3. The skies become magnificent: deep cobalt blue with enormous puffy clouds, greyish-greenish-blueish with storms approaching, misty milky blue at dawn.

So I did a Google image search "labeled for reuse" for August and found

1.August-Weggen und 1.August-Mohrenkopf mit Schweizer Fahnen

I also found

August Haake painted "Field with sheafs" over a period of 1911-1914 in Fischerhude near Bremen.

And lastly, I found

Gartenbild by August Macke


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