Prague landmarks

St Vitus Cathedral in the castle complex

I am faithfully editing my novel Prague for Beginners and have spent the morning with Elizabeth, my narrator. She's been visiting Vyšehrad, the older of the two castle complexes in Prague. I needed to double-check some of my information and got caught up in looking at photos of my favorite places in Prague. Here are a few of them.

St Vitus Cathedral, at Hradčany. Photo by Oliver Beckstein

The Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord, Jiřího z Poděbrad. Photo by Mario Sergio Teixeira de Freitas

Kostel svatého Jindřicha a svaté Kunhuty

Starý Vyšehrad, 1420
Emmaus Monastery (Emauzy) at the end of the 19th century. Photo from Wikipedia


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